General knowledge of Atlántico Department the state/province of Colombia

Mostly asked questions about the province Atlántico Department

What is the country of Atlántico Department ?

What is the country code ISO2 of Atlántico Department ?

How many cities are in the state Atlántico Department ?

What are geo coordinates of each city in Atlántico Department ?

What are the name of cities of Atlántico Department ?

Best infopoint's world database gives the answers of all questions which are asked above related to Atlántico Department

First question is about the country which is Colombia and CO is its ISO2 also known as country code. Third question is about the cities of Atlántico Department there is only 23 cities in this state. Following is the list of each city in Atlántico Department by their geo coordinates/latitude and longitude.

State/Province Name Atlántico Department
Country Name flag of CO Colombia
Country Code CO
Total States of Colombia 31
Total Cities of State 23

All Cities of Atlántico Department

City No. City Name Latitude Longitude
1 Baranoa 10.79497000 -74.92073000
2 Barranquilla 10.96854000 -74.78132000
3 Campo de la Cruz 10.37844000 -74.90258000
4 Candelaria 10.47387000 -74.88581000
5 Galapa 10.89790000 -74.88700000
6 Juan de Acosta 10.82930000 -75.03346000
7 Luruaco 10.61712000 -75.15146000
8 Malambo 10.85953000 -74.77386000
9 Manatí 10.46402000 -74.98220000
10 Palmar de Varela 10.74055000 -74.75443000
11 Piojó 10.74846000 -75.10776000
12 Polonuevo 10.77697000 -74.85344000
13 Ponedera 10.64297000 -74.75393000
14 Puerto Colombia 11.00854000 -74.90887000
15 Repelón 10.50937000 -75.12830000
16 Sabanagrande 10.80077000 -74.77051000
17 Sabanalarga 10.61636000 -74.95717000
18 Santa Lucía 10.32420000 -74.96017000
19 Santo Tomás 10.75773000 -74.75451000
20 Soledad 10.89986000 -74.78787000
21 Suan 10.30214000 -74.91934000
22 Tubará 10.87562000 -74.97873000
23 Usiacurí 10.74313000 -74.97604000